It happens i have a lady friend that knows everything about energies. She uses to tell me all the time what is going on behind what i see in my life and also what is going to happen in the future. I sometimes try to argue with her ... but the statistical data showed that she was right all the time when she said something. And she also tell… Read More

What does it really mean to feel alive?! Well ... it’s quite difficult to define ... because in fact we are alive, but we just believe that we don’t feel it. It’s a paradox ... but we continue on this path for such a long time ... not understanding what is really going on. During the years, it happened few times ... that different pe… Read More

A lady told me few days ago ... “wont do it again. It hurts a lot”. Another one said “ i love love stories. I am living one now. It s amazing”. So probably people love love stories as long as they are in the story and are afraid of them and run away as long as the story is not running well. We are looking to be loved, but we are too … Read More