How do you close a love story?! ... you just run away to save your ass ? … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A lady told me few days ago ... “wont do it again. It hurts a lot”.
Another one said “ i love love stories. I am living one now. It s amazing”.
So probably people love love stories as long as they are in the story and are afraid of them and run away as long as the story is not running well.
We are looking to be loved, but we are too sensitive to resist on the stage of the story, ending up asking many times to close the love relationship, cause it hurts too much in different moments.
We are not brave enough to accept a relationship with good or bad issues and to focus only on the positive side all the time.
Defining again and again and again is our main task and forgive that we should love without asking anything in return, not even loving us back.




Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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